Saturday, July 17, 2010

Catching Up!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's hard to believe we've been in school for 23 days (I think). The kids are getting along great with each other and working so hard. As the days go on, I'm learning more about each child and their needs. They are all at different levels and challenge me as a teacher each day! Sam wrote and illustrated his own book and was so excited to share it with the class.
We are still studying Fairy Tales with Mrs. Robinson. After reading Goldilocks, we ate "porridge" (oatmeal) for snack. The kids thought it was a real treat.

After sorting pictures that started with s and m, Clark decided he would write the names of the pictures! Way to go!

Blake was so proud to read the book, Big Bear, Small Bear to the class.

In the fine motor center, we had to string the correct number of beads for each number card.

Since we're studying about our bodies, we had a fun time putting the puzzle Operation together.

We've enjoyed building castles in the blocks center.

These guys decided to make a pattern using links. It was over 200 links long!
They were so proud!
In the writing center, we had to match lower case letters to upper case letters.

After reading 3 Billy Goats Gruff, we had a cheese tasting for snack. We voted on the cheese we liked best. Our taste samples were American, Cheddar, and Goat cheese. American Cheese was our favorite. I was so proud of the kids. They ALL tried the 3 types of cheeses.

Putting stories in sequential order
The water table was a big hit in the science center.

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